DAIR 2018 – Designresistance

3 600 Ft

At the announcement of the international Debrecen Artist in Residence 2018 programme, two concepts, which are already complex on their own, were forced into a non-existent compound. We intend to make these concepts affect each other with more intensity through concentration and radicalise the train of thoughts that began a year ago.



Members of DAIR 2018

Ádám Albert / Marci Borbás / Imre Gábor / Ferenc Gróf / Ábris Gryllus / Réka Lőrincz / Erik Mátrai / Dóra Molnár / Judit Lilla Molnár / Bartosz Mucha / Csongor G Szigeti / Andrea Sztojánovits

Artistic directors

Lajos Csontó / Attila Horányi / Szabolcs Süli-Zakar

Additional information

Weight 0,364 kg
Dimensions 20,5 × 16,5 × 1 cm