She is a multidisciplinary designer and researcher, working with ever-changing design and participatory methodologies, mainly in the fields of placemaking and ecological design. She graduated from The Glasgow School of Art’s Masters in Environmental Design, where she worked as a lecturer and researcher until 2021. Lecturer at The Glasgow School of Art Innovation School, The Open University and KISD University Cologne. She works as a researcher and lecturer at MOME MAG. Her design and art work, as well as her ongoing PhD research at MOME, explore the relationship between humans and ecology, and propose creative participatory methods to involve not only humans but also other ecosystem participants in the research and design processes. Her current work focuses on sensory mapping of aquatic habitats.


’Sensing the Antropohocene’ – The Open University, Arts-based Methodologies for Global Challenges Seminar

Priority projects 

MOME MAG, 2022-től – ‘Landscape Futuring’ kutatás

Sensing the more-than-human Landscape’ – Rövid kurzus és előadás, KISD Cologne


Illés, Z. S., & Nita, M. (2022). Ritualized art: cultural innovation and greening at festivals and protestivals

Illés, Zsófia Szonja, Sensory Mapping towards More-than-Human Placemaking, In: Sensory Mapping towards More-than-Human Placemaking, 2021 

Illés, Zsófia Szonja, ‘Sensing the City’ Walks – Sensory Mapping Vacant and Derelict Land, In: Illés Zsófia Szonja (szerk.), Sensing the City – Mapping Vacant and Derelict Land in Glasgow, 2020 

Illés, Zsófia Szonja, Sensory and Blended Engagements and Sensory Mapping, In: Illés, Zsófia Szonja (szerk.), Sensory and Blended Engagements and Sensory Mapping, 2020 


Pecha Kucha Night Balaton-felvidék vol. 4. – Intelligens Tájak special edition (2023. 11. 10.) – Érzékszervi módszerek a sokszempontú környezettervezés és tájhasználat felé

5th UNESCO MOST WINTER SCHOOL 2023 – Resilience in the Age of Uncertainity – Ecology and Ecologies: Global Communities and Responsibilites

Artist’s website