2024. Apr. 19. - 2024. Nov. 10.
A CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE ON THE BOOKThe library, museum and traditional school institutions play a key role in culture. Makropædia puts the experience of these places in a broader context and addresses the changes that have affected their functioning in time and space.
For centuries, libraries have played a key role in the knowledge-based society, not only by adapting to change, but also through actively shaping the future. Today, they are working on making knowledge available to the widest possible audience by developing innovative services, encouraging the digital transformation and disseminating open access content. Print has long dominated information delivery, but today computing has revolutionised the field. Computers, using only sequences of numbers and codes, can simulate the phenomena that pervade our daily lives, opening up new ways of disseminating information.
The museum is another crucial site for traditional cultural mediation, where works of art and historical artefacts are presented in a less bounded way. In addition, each work has its own content, which, when placed in a common space, enter into dialogue with each other. The works form a bridge between the creator and the viewer, regardless of whether they are in the same time or place. However, they cannot communicate directly. Physical presence is essential for a real dialogue to take place, whereby each party can mutually respond to the other. Linked to these means of communication is the term medium, which in art means the carrier, medium or vehicle for conveying information. Creators can choose any material, technique or form of expression to convey their message.
By presenting documents from different eras and contemporary artworks on loan from the collections of the Debrecen Reformed College and the Alföldi Printing House, Makropædia attempts to provide a reflective overview of the role of books in the 21st century. Our exhibition also creates a dialogue between written and material memory, books and artworks.
Exhibiting artists:
Asztalos Zsolt • Fábián Erika • Gerhes Gábor • Hegyvári Bernadett • Illés Andor Erazmus • Mézes Tünde • Pamuki-Balogh Viktória • Pataki Tibor • Pólya Zsombor • Richter Sára • Szíj Kamilla • Üveges Máté
Kincses Gergő és Zachar Veronika
As an expert, he assisted in the selection of the old books:
Oláh Róbert