Bible 21

2021. Jul. 31. - 2021. Dec. 31.

Contemporary art collection

The Bible 21 contemporary art collection and exhibition is the result of a unique venture. Levente Kovács and Tímea Kovács-Szabó have created a thematic private collection, the objective of which is the interpretation of the units of the Gospel through artworks reflecting on the present age and their popularization. The result is a collection of works of art whose creators, as prominent figures of the Hungarian art scene, have contributed to the contemporary transmission of biblical content. Through the various forms of expression and the diverse ways of thinking we can get a picture not only of what the artists’ personal interpretations contribute to the stories of the Gospel, but also of how contemporary, 21st century art transmits universal thoughts which, through the Bible, determine the mindset of the western man.

For the artists of Bible 21, the texts of the four Gospels served as a starting point. These together constitute the events of the life of Jesus, his teachings all that can be considered the basis of the message of Christianity. Levente Kovács divided all the scenes, teachings, miracles, meditations and the story of the Passion into 1+12 units, from which the artists could freely choose the unit closest to them according to their interests and involvement.

Proprietors of the collection:

Kovács-Szabó Tímea/ Kovács Levente


Asztalos Zsolt / Bukta Imre / Csontó Lajos / Erhardt Miklós / Fátyol Viola / Gerber Pál / Fehér Márta /
Imre Mariann / Lovas Ilona / Mátrai Erik / Richter Sára / Szelley Lellé


Petrányi Zsolt

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