Along the Line

2020. May. 01. - 2020. Jun. 30.

Exhibition from the Collection of the MODEM Modern and Contemporary Arts Centre

The exhibition is the first appearance of the MODEM Collection. The exhibition – which comes into being by the curatorial selection from a deliberate and continuously evolving collection of the past 14 years including purchases of artworks and mainly donations of the International Artist Residency of Debrecen – explores the gesture of drawing and the contemporary use of line in various media.

The themes of the exhibition are drawings, lines, and manual gestures as contemporary thinking, forms of fine art, and their visual manifestations. Drawings, especially studies, had a subordinate role until the beginning of the 20th century. They could only function as sketches, but in our time they are considered as complete works of art. As metamorphosed media, they represent the alienation from their traditional nature. Drawings, as the most direct expressions of imagery, have also become a vehicle of the artistic idea simultaneously: they have become the media that use the mask of simplicity, focus, and ease cleverly to understand and depict reality.


Bartos Mucha / Szépfalvi Ágnes / Csontó Lajos / Gábor Imre / Anna Pelc / Soltész István / Katharina Roters & Szolnoki József / Madácsy István / Aknay János / Szabó Ádám / Szabó Károly / Nádler István / Andrew Young / Dóró Sándor / Csurka Eszter / Egyed Judit / Gyenis Tibor / drMáriás / Rácmolnár Sándor / Ludman Éva / Imreh Sándor / Burai István


Süli-Zakar Szabolcs

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