Room rental fees per hour (2022 – )

Name of space Size of Area Rental fee/hour
Zöld kilincs Art Cafe 40 m² 10.000 HUF + VAT
Foreground 365 m² 20.000 HUF + VAT
Multimédia room 104 m² 20.000 HUF + VAT
Ground floor exhibition space 540 m² 50.000 HUF + VAT
2nd floor exhibition space 1300 m² 100.000 HUF + VAT
3rd floor exhibition space 405 m² 40.000 HUF + VAT
Inner garden 500 m² 30.000 HUF + VAT

Note: The use of the MODEM spaces depends on the free capacity, i.e. the schedule of exhibitions, events, and programs.

The rent includes the costs of infrastructure and utilities. We also provide cleaning, property security, cloakroom, and sound system for the duration of the event.

Regarding free appointments, please write to