2018. Nov. 25. - 2019. Jan. 20.
The MODEM Modern and Contemporary Arts Centre and the Goethe-Institut Ungarn proudly presents an exhibition about monitoring, the fear and effects of being watched called "GLOBAL CONTROL AND CENSORSHIP".Knowledge is power. Whoever controls the flow of information holds even greater power. This applies particularly to the digital culture of our day, because there are no limits to tracking and manipulating all the information on the World Wide Web. Countless bits of data and content are generated each day and transmitted across the globe within seconds. Even before reaching their recipients.
Being at the mercy of overwhelmingly powerful authorities of control and censorship has become the conditio humana, the basic condition of our culture. To some extent we are still capable of realising this and reflecting upon it, but apparently we cannot reverse or undo it. We have become accustomed to this situation, just as we are not deterred by the myriads of video cameras on the way to work or on our way back home. We are well on the way to accepting surveillance and censorship as given, just as we have learned to accept other conditions as facts of our modern existence – traffic noise, ubiquitous advertising, environmental pollution, and our insignificance in the political arena.
The exhibition GLOBAL CONTROL AND CENSORSHIP investigates the inexorable penetration of surveillance and censorship into our everyday lives.
aaajiao (CN) / Hamra ABBAS (KW / US) / Selma ALAÇAM (DE) / Halil ALTINDERE (TR) / Daniel G. ANDÚJAR (ES) / Benera & Estefan (RO) / Osman BOZKURT (TR) / James BRIDLE (GB / GR) / Alice CAVOUKDJIAN dite GALLI (FR / DE) / Hasan ELAHI (BD / US) / Finger Pointing Worker + Kota TAKEUCHI (JP) / Michael GRUDZIECKI (PL / DE) / KIT-KASTEL (DE) / Frédéric KRAUKE (DE) / Marc LEE (CH) / Virginia MASTROGIANNAKI (GR) / MÁTRAI Erik (HU) / Ruben PATER (NL) / Dan PERJOVSCHI (RO) / Ma QIUSHA (CN) / Oliver RESSLER (AT) / Bernhard SEREXHE (DE) / Christian SIEVERS (DE) / Technologie und das Unheimliche (HU/DE) / Ivar VEERMÄE (EE/DE) / Alex WENGER (CH / DE) & Max-Gerd RETZLAFF (DE)
Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás / Bernhard Serexhe
Cooperating partners:
Goethe-Institut Budapest, Deutsches Kulturforum Debrecen
Hasan Elahi: Stelae, 2015