In line with the theoretical background of the chosen subject, analogue and digital materials are combined in his art. Her research interests, within the framework of posthuman aesthetics and visual culture, focus on the transformation of the visual representation of the human body, interested in a radical repositioning of ideas about man as an anthropological being. Her work explores the relationship between changes in body representation and current technological innovations, and the relationship between technology and art. Her hypothesis is that the natural body can be elevated to a new level by artificial materials (implants, artificial intelligence, robotics). However, not in the way that transhumanist theories, for example, define it, preserving the hierarchy between species and materials, while remaining anthropocentric. According to Nóra Szabó, the notion of the human body is nowadays approaching a heterogeneous composition that can best be represented by a combination of natural and artificial materials, i.e. by the combined use of analogue (plaster casts, drawings) and digital media (digital drawings, 3D printing).


Artist Lecture, Košice Artist in Residence, 2023 

XXXIII. OTDK Ari S Kupsus – Salon Concert Society Scholarship, II. place, 2017 

Studio corner – István Csók’s painting in the mirror of our contemporaries, II. award, 2015 

Priority projects 

Human Pattern, FKSE Galery, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Budapest, 2021 

I can not see it, Labor Galery, Budapest, 2017 

Shroud Budapest Pont, Budapest, 2016 


Pénteki kultúrrandi Szabó Nóra képzőművésszel – interjú 

Artist’s website