2018 – Designresistance
At the announcement of the international Debrecen Artist in Residence 2018 programme, two concepts, which are already complex on their own, were forced into a non-existent compound. We intend to make these concepts affect each other with more intensity through concentration and radicalise the train of thoughts that began a year ago. In the 2017 edition of the AIRD, which focused on the “Designed Artwork”, we asked: what the relationship between design and artwork as well as design and visual art is. The response of a part of the artists has proved that the design – the rational problem-solving planning – is extremely attractive in the everyday craftsmanship and visual art as well; nevertheless, some of them considered the independent self-expression as remedy for the all-embracing practice of design.
In 2018 our starting point was the resistance against design with the key issue of how the visual art resists against design. But during collective thinking, the relationship between design and resistance has increased with several additional layers: the designed object or the process itself can be resistant against time and use. And the resistance itself can be designed as well: even protests have choreography. Part of the objects also can be resistant, for instance to a simple and evident use. The man-focused design has become the essential paradigm for today – it is enough to refer to the practices of the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) that design user experience – however, rationality is always found behind the planning. The question is whether we would like to live in a perfectly rational world. Moreover, design is often a technology-driven issue, which raises the question: are we still able to rule the technology that shapes our world? Is it still possible to offer resistance?
Members of DAIR 2018
Ádám Albert / Marci Borbás / Imre Gábor / Ferenc Gróf / Ábris Gryllus / Réka Lőrincz / Erik Mátrai / Dóra Molnár / Judit Lilla Molnár / Bartosz Mucha / Csongor G Szigeti / Andrea Sztojánovits
Artistic directors
Lajos Csontó / Attila Horányi / Szabolcs Süli-Zakar