IEAS Film Club: What Maisie Knew

2019. Nov. 12. 18:00

What Maisie Knew
What Maisie Knew is a contemporary New York City re-visioning of the Henry James novel by the same name. It revolves around the 7-year-old Maisie, caught in the middle of a custody battle between her mother Suzanna, an aging rock star, and her father, Beale, a major art dealer. In a race to win the court’s advantage, Beale marries Maisie’s nanny Margo, prompting Suzanna in turn to marry friend and local bartender, Lincoln. Both forced into a battle neither wishes to be a part of, Margo and Lincoln come to empathise with Maisie’s position and over time with one another’s.

Discussion following the film is led by Feldmann Fanni.
The film is screened in English with English subtitles.
Running time: 99 minutes
Directed by Scott McGehee and David Siegel.
Admission is free.

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