The Night of Museums – 2019

2019. Jun. 22. 16:00


16:00: PANEL beer debut – Announcement of tender results and beer tasting / Zöld kilincs Café

16:00: Art education programmes / 3rd floor

16:15: Ringató – Dandling musical education for pre-kindergarten children / inner garden

16:30: Guided tour with Veiszer Alinda journalist – Mania /ground floor

17:00: Sokszínvirág – concert for children / inner garden

17:00: Estonian children movies / multimedia room

17:30: Guided tour with Áfra János and participants of the Poetry Workshop / ground floor

18:00: Better luck next time – Solo evening with Vámos Miklós / inner garden

18:00: PANEL models – talk about the winner models of the street installation tender / entrance hall

18:00: Art education programme / 3rd floor

18:00: Ruben Brandt, Collector – screening / multimedia room

18:00: MOME-short films on the LED wall / Baltazár Dezső tér

19:00 – 22:00: Mania workshop (Simon Andrea, Benczúr Emese, Imre Mariann, Szira Henrietta, Szij Kamilla, Tarr Hajnalka) / ground floor

19:00: Guided tour with Szolnoki József – Rewritable Stories / 2nd floor

19:30: Book signing event with Vámos Miklós / Zöld kilincs Café

20:00: RögvEst – Theatrical performance of the Momentán Improv Theatre Company / inner garden

20:00: Guided tour with Tillman József, Lőrinczy Lia, Jeneses Ádám, Kophelyi Dániel – Sonic Weapons / 3rd floor

20:00: One Day – screening / multimedia room

20:00: Art education programme / 3rd floor

20:30: Kaos Camping – street performance / Baltazár Dezső tér

21:00: Guided tour with Hámori Gabriella actress – Mania / ground floor

21:30: The Rub – screening, meet and greet, pop-up exhibition / entrance hall

22:00: Guided tour with Mercs János actor – Mania / ground floor

22:00: ”eLKápráztatók” – performance of the Hungarian Dance Academy students in the Sonic Weapons exhibition / 3rd floor

23:00: Mystery Gang concert / inner garden

23:00: Guided tour with Örkény Antal sociologist / 2nd floor

00:00: Barkóczi Noémi concert in the Rewritable Stories exhibition / 2nd floor

01:00: ModeMode – special edition / inner garden


Exhibitions open during the Night of Museums:

MANIA. Quiet Strategies / ground floor

Finissage: 23 June 16:00: visual concert of Rutkai Bori and Háy János

Rewritable Stories / 2nd floor

Sonic Weapons / 3rd floor



1200 / 600 HUF (valid from 22 June 16:00 to 23 June 18:00)

Season ticket is valid for all programmes of the MODEM


Further information:
Phone: 52/525-010

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