2024 – Learning from Nature? – Botany

Every edition of the Debrecen International Artist in Residence (DAIR), which has been operating since 2006, is built around a theme. In addition to creation, the symposium’s workflow emphasizes collective…

DNM 2022 – Time

The international Debrecen Artist in Residence, which has been an annual event since 2006, is always organized around a particular theme. During this two-week project, in addition to creating, collaborative…

2019 – Material

In the 2017 edition of the Debrecen Artist in Residence, which focused on the Designed Artwork, we asked: what is the relationship between planning and creation, design and fine art?…

2018 – Designresistance

At the announcement of the international Debrecen Artist in Residence 2018 programme, two concepts, which are already complex on their own, were forced into a non-existent compound. We intend to…

2017 – Designed Artwork

Design is the most expansive industry in the 21st century: it is progressive, optimistic, and problem-oriented. Similarly to contemporary art, design also has a determining part in asking questions about…

2016 – Imprinting

The ten years old international Debrecen Artist in Residence examined the notion of imprinting with the help of invited artists in the summer of 2016. It loaned its subject (and…

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