Two unusual parallel exhibitions, which are different in ideas but similar in symbology and interpretation of the (recent) past, opens on 23rd March in the MODEM.
3 p.m. curatorial opening by Szijártó Zsolt and guided tour with ROTERS&SZOLNOKI and Keserue Zsolt
4:30 p.m. concert by composer and media artist Szemző Tibor, coupled with projection
About the exhibition:
The ROTERS&SZOLNOKI artist duo (Katharina Roters and Szolnoki Jozsef) and the projects by Zsolt Keserue are identical in that they both discuss the processes of identity-construction and identity-rewriting thematically among the historical circumstances, which changing quickly, frequently, and dramatically. The issue is examined in different scales: at the level of the individual, the group, and the nation.
These two independent exhibitions are connected with each other in several threads: the analytical (de)constructive approach and the intention to build an archive are typical of both projects. Similar basic patterns are found in the disputing of the national historical tradition, the unexamined events of the recent past, the retelling of a family history, and the interpretation of stereotypes. Various private and public documents and symbol systems (coat-of-arms, textbooks, visual symbols) play important parts in the exhibitions as platforms, at which the historical consciousness becomes objectified and publicly available. These documents and symbol systems are recycled by the exhibitors in an openly subjective context. This is how the archive of “extended documents” comes into being. They discuss important social-historical questions and issues thematically with hybrid contemporary art methods, in which the (scientific) research, art processing/reflection, and poetic synthesis are closely linked.
Our major exhibition of this year is on view from 3 p.m. on Saturday on 23rd March on the 2nd floor of the MODEM.